Monday, June 30, 2008


Do we really think of the consequences? We have all heard it said "For every action there is a greater or equal reaction". The bible says it this way "what a man reaps so shall he sow". Another one is "what goes around comes around". In our live there are consequences for our actions and we need to be able to live with these consequences. But do we really think this way? What will happen if I do this or that? Or is it more like can I get away with this or that. Whether we want to believe it or not even when you get away with something it still affects you. It will always be there in the back of your mind. I believe if more people though about the consequences many mistakes in marriage could be avoided. Lets take a step back today and ask ourselves that question : What are the consequences for my actions going to be? Can you live with the decision you made? If so, what kind of life is that going to be. Remember even when you feel like you've gotten away with something one person will always know the wrong you did and that's the person you look at in the mirror.

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