Monday, August 11, 2008

Conflict the Marriage Builder

If title of this blog has you scratching your head let me explain. Marriage comes with the expectation that there will be conflict. We try to learn how to resolve conflict with every trick in the book. I propose that we have a conflict "Revolution". Let's turn the tables on conflict and instead of running from it lets embrace it and use it to build stronger marriages. I try to avoid conflict and by doing that a lot of issues go unresolved. Bitterness and anger build up to the point where you are ready to give up on your spouse. Now I am not saying to fight with your spouse everyday. What I am saying is simple when there is a conflict DEAL with it don't let it fester in your mind and in your heart. The Bible says "not to let the sun go down in your anger". Sounds pretty simple to me and yet we bang our heads against the wall living with conflict. Does that sound fun to you? Take the time to tackle conflict in your marriage and stop banging your head against the wall.

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