Sunday, July 20, 2008

To Flirt or not to Flirt

"A little flirting doesn't hurt." I've heard this from others and I've thought this as well but is this true or am I just lying to myself. How easy is it to go fr0m flirting to infidelity? I am happy to say that I don't know and that I don't want to find out. Whether you mean to or not flirting can and does hurt, if not controlled you WILL eventually cross the line. Maybe not the first time but the more you do it the more comfortable you will get and the easier it will be to cross the line. We all know the difference between "friendly and flirty" so do yourself and your spouse a favor and keep it friendly. In the long run you will reap the benefits of this type of fidelity. If you must flirt, flirt with the person you have committed yourself to : your spouse. If you put the same effort into your spouse as you do in someone else you would have a beautiful marriage. Don't settle for the lie that the grass is greener in someone else's pasture because it isn't.

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